Art Resources Show Reception
“Thank you for calling” was the title of the show, and was primarily the work of Rafael Perea de la Cabada, and a few up and coming artists of his recommendation.
My self portrait is to the right.
A wall of drawing that Rafael did while on the phone by his desk!
The self-portrait I chose to submit for the show. The title didn’t make the price sheet. It’s called “In the evening light.”
Heather Mattoon also submitted a self portrait. I love it!
Jonny Troyna to the right of his painting, “Sea Foam Black.”
“Sea Foam Black” by Jonny Troyna.
This is “Untitled,” by Matthew Woodford.
“Power Outage,” by Richard Irvine.
Three framed drawings by Rafael Perea de la Cabada.
A framed drawing by Rafael Perea de la Cabada.
More materials from Rafael’s studio.
Rafael Perea de la Cabada with his son.
To visit the show, stop by Art Resources at 512 E. Haley St. from Oct. 4-Nov. 4, 2006 (Hours: M-F 9-5:30, S 10-2.)
I was in Seattle and couldn’t make it to the reception to a show at Art Resources, but Rob took some great photos for me. I had one painting in the show.