The C Gallery is a gem! I haven’t had a piece in the shows yet, but I’m keeping my eyes out for an appropriate theme to submit one of my paintings.
The latest show “Pop,” was a mix of whimsical and touchingly deep. From pieces designed from popcorn kernels and popsicle sticks to a piece on “popping pills” in order to survive a series of heart surgeries.
Connie Rohde greeted guests in a 1950’s inspired garment made partially of bubble wrap, which would occasionally pop in an embrace! Here she is with daughter and business partner Nina:

Karina Puente with her piece centered on “The Story” of her family’s roots.

A lovely piece by Dara Mark:

A tattooed portrait.

The pieces ranged from light-hearted to deeply personal. (On the left, a necklace made of beads and soda pop lids. On the right, Rocky Stroup’s “Borrowed Time”(13 years of pill poppin’).”)

Very cool quilted piece:

Popsicle Toes, by Larry Le Brane. (Borrowed image.)

On the left, Pamela Zwehl-Burke “Man’s Woman: Two Views” Mixed Media. On the right, another view of Connie’s fabulous bubble wrap outfit! (Click on the photo to enlarge!)

Rob proving a ball of solid aluminum foil the size of a balled-up human can be lifted!

Afterward, we hit up an arts and craft fair in Los Olivos, CA. Not as much fun, but worth it for the delicious sandwiches we got at Panino’s!